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Proposal voted for
[PROPOSAL] - Security committee operating conditions
[RIP00014] - Application for Proposer Position - [DRKTT]
[RIP00013] - Application for Proposer Position - [PhilP]
[RIP00012] - Application for Proposer Position - [Sigri]
[RIP00011] - Release of REG from RealT Team Budget
[RIP00010] - Allocation of a 500k REG budget to MTP to facilitate the purchase
[RIP00008] - Transfer RealToken Wrapper RMMv3 execution functions to the DAO
[RIP00009] - Choice of distribution method for REGs resulting from revaluations
[RIP00007] -Definition of PowerVoting snapshot rules and algorithms post-epoch 1
[RIP00003] - Implementation of a liquidity strategy on Sushiswap v3
[RIP00004] - Fix Governor contract config for incentive epoch 1
[RIP00006] - Creation of a security committee for the Realtoken DAO
[RIP00005] - Eligibility rules evolution for Realtoken DAO proposers
[RIP00002] - Reward for contributors to the launch of the Realtoken DAO
[RIP00001] Activation of the first incentive epoch for the Realtoken DAO